Marketing Director

Is who Juan Manuel Lopez (Juan Lopez)? Perhaps the most important question you can do is what can Juan Lopez do for me, my life, my family, my business and my future? Let me you commented a part of your history so you can see what benefits you can get from it, knowing their values, their work, how they work, their background. Filed under: Ping Fu. Juan Manuel Lopez, after 12 years working for Coca-Cola and have come to occupy the post of Marketing Director, decided to start with international business, he started an import business of meat from the United States to Mexico. After 8 years of having a successful business and earn good money, due to a problem with your partner, from one day to the other found the unemployed, penniless and with debts exceeding the $600,000 dollars, divorced and with 3 children who maintain accustomed to a standard of living high, very high. The option that was to start their own businesses, because it was fully convinced of not wishing to be employed again, he was joining a company multilevel, after 8 months of hard work, not gained results (as happens to 97% of people who become networker). He began to prepare absolutely convinced and committed that his only option was to have much success in the MLM business, first took coaching customized with Robert Kiyosaki to become a leader, learn the concepts of Kiyosaki’s cashflow and the statement all the philosophy of, cash management and cash flow.

Hence studied with the leaders of the MLM and business on-line, real billionaires of the industry such as Eben Pagan (Angelo), Mike Dillard, Ann Sieg, Mark Hoverson, Mike Klingler, Jonathan Bud, among other. Very quickly it became the leader most successful and renowned of the multilevel in the Hispanic market. Today is dedicated with all passion to fulfill your life’s mission defined with Robert Kiyosaki help people achieve their financial dreams and a life with purpose, and he does it through 2 ways: 1) coaching, teaches courses in vivo, runs courses on the internet of lectures and writes books, this is to help the people who want to do business by internet, traditional MLM or multilevel by internet, to achieve their financial freedom without having to search for prospects, is an expert in the Marketing of attraction. .