Facilitating the process of stock trading.
Enable Collaborators

Enable Collaborators

Tax burden high, interests and the tax of exchange. These are some of main ' ' adversrios' ' of the Brazilian entrepreneurs in its Organizations. Moreover, the competition is each incited time more with the constant importations of foreign products. Ahead of these scenes, the organizations have invested in the qualification of its collaborators as alternative to dribble the competition. Another reason that takes the visionary entrepreneurs to invest in the qualification of its collaborators, either in training and development of people or after-graduation, is the scarcity of talent in the market. Therefore, one of the great concerns of the entrepreneurs and managers is the retention of talentos. To invest in the collaborator makes with that it if feels valued by the Organization and thinks ' ' duas' ' times before accepting a proposal of the market. However, to choose who to enable demands care.

So that the organizacional climate is not affected, she is necessary that if it develops one politics clear for this benefit, thus preventing internal disputes. Organization and collaborators need to understand which questions are taken in consideration in the hour to select them. On the other hand, it is important that the collaborator is cliente of the expectations of its organization how much to its frequency and performance. These item must be part of the politics of qualification established for the organization. It has cases where the conclusion of the qualification is established for the collaborator a minimum time of permanence in the company after. When one is about agreements, everything what it is clearly for both the parts does not leave ' ' caro' ' for nobody. It stops in them becoming each time more competitive and to hold back talentos in our organizations, fatally we will need to pass for constant qualifications. Good Studies!