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Internet Consumers

Internet Consumers

Study promotes interesting figures revealed a representative study of Commerz Finanz GmbH, which has carried out in cooperation with the market research institute BIPE, every second consumers in Europe would finance his car with a loan. Using the auto loan, wishes can be realized relatively quickly for a car on the otherwise long must be saved. Was that more and more consumers compare the terms and conditions for the offered loans regardless of age and value put it, that the corresponding service is provided in connection with this study also found. The financing directly from the dealer more than half of the surveyed consumers open faces the financing offered directly from the dealer, which come directly from the car Bank associated with the manufacturer. Many consumers use but also the credit of a bank branch or a direct bank, if you promise there lower borrowing costs. Also, it is interesting that today more than 80 percent of all customers, the a car loan record, that do not spontaneously, but compare different offers and interest rates. Where the younger more advantage comparison, than do older consumers.

More than 70 percent of consumers obtain several quotes for the generation of under-30s. At the over 50, there are just over 60 percent, which is not the first offer, but make a comparison of the credit. Consumer behaviour in Europe nearly identical results from this study show that consumer behaviour when it comes to the purchase of a vehicle, is quite similar in Europe. The differences can be not in individual European countries, but in the age of the consumer. The Internet affinity of younger people as an advantage is evident here, because the Internet just offers the best comparison possibilities. Especially when it comes to financing a new car, it means to compare not just the interest rate. Correctly save can options at a higher interest rate, if this be opened to receive grants high discount on the actual price of the vehicle.