The collective hypnosis to which it is being faced up at the moment is the highest frequency of mental projection of the History of the Humanity. Mola or no. And for that reason we have to return to connect and to deepen with our original essence and TO CREATE Thence, or rather, from in here. There there is nothing. Psychiatry and psychology are developed in scopes where the mental and emotional education of the being human is in game, that is to say, ALL THE sociocultural SCOPES, including which we think that it is ART. Yesterday while he listened to a sound track that I like very many, I was conscious of something really magician and simultaneously disturbing. The sound track that listened kindly was " a mind maravillosa" , where it is spoken fictitiously on part of the life of John Nash, mathematical Nobel prize.
Thanks to that precious music I began to understand because the life of this intriguer had taken to be human to the cinema. Because the life of this mathematician did not have anything to do and so yes they spoke in the film or really YES HAD TO DO but seen and understood from another plane. The clear information that came to me quickly not only ITS RELATION WITH the company was COMPLETELY REAL but had been victim of mental control on the part of this. But the most important question that there would be to indicate is BECAUSE. What rejected John Nash many years ago with respect to working for certain hidden sciences or societies secret investigations and were not allowed that rejection to him on the part of some political and physical circles that work secretly for the North American government. The best revenge of somebody towards another somebody that it has dared to politically claim or simply to be incorrect towards the established thing is the loss of identity of the other, either through abundant campaigns of negatividad towards the person in particular, or with threats of death and to fulfill them, or to return it CRAZY and to upset its unconscious the more deep one and the more hurt.