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After all, all the people we always tend to remember the good things, trying to forget or to ignore those that were not it as much. It tries to remember always your relation as a whole, remembering always the reasons that took to you to break. After all, if everything had be perfect between you most probable it is than still you followed together. 3. It deals with centrarte in this new stage in doing what always you had wished to fulfill but never you had been able, because of your commitment or for want of time. This one will be a good incentive in your new life, that will allow to see the things you with greater optimism. You will discover that everything has its positive side. 4.

Tomato a certain time of reflection before lanzarte to know new people. Of another form, you could arriesgarte repeat errors and inadequate landlords of conduct in future relations. 5. When you know a new person with whom you believe that it could be worth the trouble to share something more than a friendship, it tries to go slowly and with firm step. You do not commit yourself seriously to first, and simply it tries to enjoy that new one that you feel in the day to day. If that person had crossed, like you, a separation process or divorce, in no case would have to allow that aspect became your point of connection, dedicndoos to criticize to your ex- ones pairs or to comment aspects on your previous life.