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Research Society Autor

Research Society Autor

More than six billion people inhabit our planet Earth, 4000 million are non-Christians and 2 billion Christians are considered. Nearly all of the 2 billion Christians base their beliefs in a single book: the Bible, however, Christianity is fragmented into thousands of different faiths or denominations. Each of the religions (Christian or not) believes that he possesses the truth, and that therefore, all others are in error or in darkness (or at least, misguided and Penumbras) religions have divided, fragmented, decimated, confronted and confounded the inhabitants of our planet. Atheists against believers; Believers against believers, Pagans against believers. Christians against Pagan, Pagans against Christians, Christians against Christians.

The God of darkness has darkened the hearts and minds of the inhabitants of our planet (2 Corinthians 4: 4) facing each other, battle fields, both in the field of beliefs.The divine light has been overshadowed by ideas and human doctrines. Religions have numbed the conscience of the peoples, establishing doctrines and philosophies impregnated with the stench of human selfishness, rather than the perfume of love, grace, forgiveness, salvation and peace that emanates from the ordeal. Thousands of creeds and religions (Christian or not) have created a confusion as large as what happened in the Tower of Babel.Some faiths have fostered the horror and terror. The martyrs ever, sooner or later became inquisitors and martirizadores. If every Christian will stop to think for a moment that the truth is not a doctrine, but a person, there would be no fragmentation within Christianity, but a unity in Christ. Jesus Christ was not, is not, nor will be: Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant. Jesus Christ is, was and will be the only truth, the only light, the only way and therefore the only doctrine (John 14: 6). Jesus Christ re-liga mankind with God; Jesus Christ is the only true religion.