Czech Republic

And do not cram, gritting his teeth, tedious and unnecessary items. Independent planning of the educational process most of the learning process in foreign universities is students' individual work. During the years studies have students produced an invaluable quality – the ability to search for desired information, allocate your time and make decisions. Yes, and life in a foreign country, away from their parents, develops self-reliance. Excellent knowledge foreign language will agree to live in the country for several years, daily lectures at the university, to communicate with classmates and with all this, do not learn the language – it's out of the realm of fantasy. In addition, in order to go to college, to know language at least at the basic level you need. Now, where language environment will help – by the end of training in high school you speak in English, German or Czech language no worse than the indigenous people. And this knowledge, you see, behind not wearing.

Opportunity to sign a contract and obtain a residence permit is no secret that most of those who come to college abroad is not going to return home. Higher education received abroad – an opportunity emigrate. However, for this is not enough to finish college and get a degree – you need to find another employer who will sign a contract with the souped specialist. Based on this, you will be able to change a student visa for working and living legally in the country. In Germany, for example, foreigners have the right within one year after graduation to stay and seek employment.

And in the Czech Republic you enough to work legally in the country for 2.5 years to qualify for permanent residence. The laws are different, but the essence is – Diploma of the European university – one of the shortest path to citizenship eu. Even if you decide to return home, foreign university diploma and knowledge of a foreign language – good prerequisites for a successful career. Most employers will welcome these employees. In addition, the college years – time between connections. Even if you leave the country after graduating from high school, stay in contact with classmates. And who know, but suddenly it you will become the founder of modern international corporation, or open a joint business with classmates? This is a major advantage. Plus, studying abroad provides an opportunity to join a new for a culture to see the world and grow a "bonds, which will certainly come in handy. This is a chance to realize their potential, achieve career heights, gain confidence in their abilities and knowledge. And the next time someone says You that higher education abroad – no one needs "Ponte", correct it European education – is not so much "prestige" and "cool" as promising. Your education – this is your future!

Delors School

The indispensable professor is that one that he knows to teach the independent walked one, that is, its proper dispensabilidade. Of agreement with Rose (2004) the quality cannot be touched, but it can be sensible, of a proper form. In this vision, the necessary school to have an only quality, that must be felt by all, thus becoming property of all. As Delors (2003) to prepare for an active participation in the life of the citizen became for the education a mission of general character, for consequncia of the expansion of the democratic principles for the world. In this direction, the democratic management as Cury (2008 p.17): The democratic management as principle of the national education, obligator presence in pertaining to school institutions, is the not-violent form that makes with that the educational community if enables to take the term a pedagogical project of quality and can also generate ' ' citizen ativos' ' that they participate of the society as professional compromissados and not they absent of organized actions that question the invisibilidade of the power.

In accordance with Pink (2004 p.278) the quality in the school is one practical one of every day because the school as specialized organization, cannot make a mistake. Not having quality in classroom, the professor will pass without quality the learning for the pupils. According to author ' ' the quality starts and finishes in the being humano' '. Being thus, the pupil is the more important human being of the school and is it who will feel the implicit quality in education, therefore the quality is before being real intellectual. To understand that the school is the institution that is part of the social body has the responsibility to teach, or better, to teach to learn. They become visible the responsibility of the manager in searching solutions to guarantee to the education of quality the children who do not learn of homogeneous form.

Lingustico Preconception

Through the centuries, always it existed variation and change under the fono-ortogrficos and morfossemnticos aspects that had contributed for history of the language and will continue contributing stop transformation and addition of the lexicon of a language. In this exactly felt Bagno Landmarks (2003)? in one of its ten splits in the book Lingustico Preconception what it is, as become -, declares the idea of: To acquire knowledge itself that all dumb language and varies. What today it is seen as ' ' certo' ' already he was ' ' erro' ' in the past. What today &#039 is considered; ' erro' ' it can perfectly come to be considered as ' ' certo' ' in the future of the language. An example: in the medieval Portuguese a verb existed to leixar (that it even appears in the letter of Pero Vaz de Caminha to king D. Manuel I). With the time, this verb was being sharp to leave because d and l are make look like consonants, what it allowed the exchange of one for the other.

… Therefore is good for preventing to classify some grammatical phenomenon of ' ' erro' ': it can be, in the truth, an indication of what it will be the language in the future. It is evident that this level of understanding must be conquered by all the users of the language, whichever its social condition and escolaridade, in meanwhile one expects that beyond this understanding, it has the perfectioning of the formal writing, therefore all need to be proficient in the communication that permeia the work market, the administrative areas, judicial, academics, pertaining to school, being in the sending or the act of receiving of information, contrary case will have one consequent exclusion since the norm standard is instrument of being able and transformation in a society. Many times, the writing is neglected.