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When My Happiness Depends On Somebody

When My Happiness Depends On Somebody

In lower court it would like to speak that this is a fallacy. Its happiness does not depend on plus nobody, the not if you yourselves. The happiness is decision and option. Some people opt to being happy and others not. The happiness cannot be pautada in having something or somebody. The material things and in this if include the human beings, are passengers.

To be waiting or to deposit the exclusiveness to somebody or something to be happy, is illusion. If we fossemos to wait for somebody to be happy, we can never be happy, a time that this somebody can never arrive. To wait for something also is not wise, therefore, after to conquer what she desires, you can perceive that the happiness did not arrive together with what it waited. The money purchase marries, but not you of the one home, purchase the book, but not you of the wisdom. So Paulo teaches in them: ' ' Let us not look the visible things, but the invisible ones, because the visible things last only one moment, while the invisible ones last &#039 forever; ' (2 Color 4, 18). Pablo he was a man of singular wisdom. To wait to be happy, is injustice with you yourselves.

That you do not have to be to conform with what is not good in its life, but yes, that you always search pra optimum itself. This search is a great reason to be happy. Optimum searching for itself, is if to love. To opt to being happy is to enxergar its pobrezas and miseries and exactly thus to choose for being happy. It today wants to be happy same. The people who wait for its happiness, in general rare are happy, therefore as well as a child that gains a toy, after to play a little, then she forgets and she leaves the side toy. In such a way, its search for happiness will be continuous, but without consistency. When it is not known what one searchs, any thing that finds, pleases. For these people the happiness is plus a dream of what a possibility. The smile is the door for the joy, the joy in turn, is a step for the happiness. Then, it smiles and either happy. But to the fact to be alive it is a great reason to praise and to thank the God. The God has asked for sensitivity of being able to enxergar the favours that It spills daily in its life. To project its happiness in the future is to trim the favour of the gift. Who lives tomorrow not enxerga the favour of the day. You already stopped to think about the blessings and favours that God already spilled in today? To wait to love for somebody to be happy is to renegar the love that God has for you. It stops, it thinks and choice for being happy. If you to wait tomorrow to be happy, it can never come. Of the opposite, to opt to waiting, you will be able one day to perceive that always she had reasons to be happy, but were not.