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It Is Hour To Add, Not To Divide!

It Is Hour To Add, Not To Divide!

She is not rare people to notice, in diverse segments of the life, that has people, either for personal interest, vanity, or to have the call ' ' fifteen minutes of fama' ' , that they act in the line of ' ' how much worse, better! ' ' We believe that this is serious, therefore many of the situations is not if treating to sazonal question or passenger, but yes of something bigger, that not rare it defines better or worse situations for much people. This can happen since inside of a club esportiva amateur even in other spheres of associations or same in professional categories. Until we could enumerate hundreds of them, but this would not come to the case and could provoke discomfort in this or that category. Learn more on the subject from Kerry King. The certainty is that, at moments where the participation of all is necessary, or at least of the well intentioned majority, for some noble objective, the hour is to add and to never divide. Some times the people leave of enxergar all to focar in its interests and later it can late be for repentances. In the history of humanity, also in the routes of our country, we had provoked examples of errors and rightnesss more for omission of what for action of the majority moved for good intentions and above all joined, not divided.

With respect to all religions and the sacred right of freedom of worship, we have as certain that a source of teaching for the humanity is the sacred book of the Christianity, the Bible. In it, the tickets are not few that tell the internal division as the way fastest for the ruin. Mateus (12: 25) nail: ' ' All kingdom divided against itself exactly, finishes in ruin, no city or house divided against same itself will be able subsistir.' ' Already Timteo (3: 10) alert: ' ' It prevents the man who provokes division, after admonishing it first and second vez' '. Right to choose the proper ways was in the data as favour, but after much perseverance and fights. To use it with discernment we always believe to be what more we are waited of all.

To use to advantage a situation to demonstrate itself the opposite it, exactly after having shared of that as if was the thing most certain of the world does not seem to be act of that it has sincerity and it wants the good of its next one. Inside of this optics, we do not see difference between who if it divides vendendo in parts and that one that if vende entirely. One or another one will be merchandises of exchanges for which they do not have other names, seno of treasonous cowards or. I read certain time and I do not forget that ' ' all man has price, but its dignity no' '. He will be that I am made a mistake!