Want to put your business on the internet but do not know how to sell what you need to make money in your own business? Hello, I certainly need a ‘product’ … need to be selling an “offer” … But more importantly, you need the guts to sell … as a business. Many people want to have your own business, but HATE to sell. Selling is the hardest job anyone can have … if you think of it as SELL.
If you get caught in the idea that “selling” is to “sell”, think again, where they sell. The real sale … ie one that produces results is NOT what you think it is, like selling. Professionals, ie those who sell hundreds of thousands of dollars a year selling products or services “face to face … will tell you when they enter a sales situation, NEVER are focused on selling, its focus is to help the client determine if the product or service they have is right for them, as the Internet. And if not, just retire and go to the next prospect, as sell. But if the product is right, they “close” the sale immediately, because they know that is in the best interest of clients who purchase the product or service NOW! They are doing them a favor.
We are providing a service. NO they are selling … they are helping. The sale is not to sell. The sale is to help people. And if your product meets the needs of your prospect, then you will be damaging if not close the sale. If you hate the idea of selling face to face, by email, from your website, or by direct mail, do not have to. Do not sell. HELP people, as it is. Help them understand your product or service and what it can do for them, and they let them sell themselves … In other words, loan “buy.” What is selling? Selling is not to hype … Selling is not to be sumptuous graphics … Selling is not to make false allegations … Selling is a simple proposition: “I have something that perhaps YOU would like to have that will help you: to make money, look better, feel healthier, be smarter, be faster, lose weight, be taller, stronger, richer, more famous … I would like to negotiate? Make your best offer and watch the sales flow by themselves. Easy, no? you like to know a simple formula for selling anything to anyone at any time, any country, either online or in person, even if you HATE selling! Well, click on the link below below and find out for yourself: