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European Union

European Union

They begin to promote the same types of measures but all without source of growth and afflicted by unemployment are beginning to see their public debts and their deficits by clouds. They are afraid of austerity soon plans to prove overwhelming and lead to their peoples to a horrible economic recession. In November 2009, when the markets have begun to tremble because of the Greek flags, the Euro begins to sink and today reaches its level lowest trading against the dollar in the past four years, and continues to fall. Germany, after refusing for a short time to contemplate measures to rescue, arguing illegality of the same excuses and reaching the point to catch a glimpse of the expulsion of Greece in the European Union, by extension of an article of the Treaty of Lisbon, today is more realistic and knows that their expulsion does not fix the problem neither Greece nor Europe. At the end of last March and in the absence of mechanisms of the European Union to manage such problems, Germany and France agreed a plan rescue for Greece that includes the participation of the European Economic Community and the IMF. In short it’s the same thing that was always tested: borrowing money (in this case more than 110 billion euros) conditioned the implementation of internal structural measures of shock such as the emblematic which are: special taxes for companies profitable and immovable value, additional taxes on tobacco, alcohol, gasoline and cell phones, radical reduction of tax evasion and fraud in the contributions of the social security system, reduction in military expenditure, reduction of subsidies to the pension funds, increase in the cotizciones regard to 40 annuities by 2015, reduction of subsidies to hospitals, reduction of bonuses to civil servants, wage hikes ban and freeze of wages by 3 years, removal of one-third of public sector contracts, taxes to illegal residences, etc, etc.

what really happen in the future immediate and mediate? Nobody knows. Really how avoid this type of situation in the future? Thomas Klaus of the European Council on foreign relations, believes prevention must pass forcibly by the renunciation of sovereignty in matters of economic policy and budget, of all the countries of the European Economic Union, which is highly unlikely to happen. The problem can end very badly and we can be ad-portas observe the total failure of the most powerful economic bloc in the world. Serious because in today’s globalised world do not exist barriers between watch and suffer the consequences. Original author and source of the article