Facilitating the process of stock trading.


I am lean. Son of lean father and mother. Granddaughter of lean people and niece of the aunt Adelaide, who of lean would retire only has it. My genetics is thus, no matter how hard I insufle my stomach with guleisemas, in the maximum what profit is gases. Already I tried affection, already I took boiled must and bateladas of biotnico Fontoura, without success. I made until musculao to acquire mass, I lost five kilos in one month, gave up there. The mother says that when I to engravidar go to be more cheinha, does not believe very, the mother came back to the normal one as soon as we give birth 3: the Lu, the Carlos and me. In more the step hours and hours seated, waiting that some customer goal the face for that door and comes to lease a film, but today the thing you the ugly one.

Two little boys had passed here to remove the Sherek (for the tenth fifth time, I find), a student came behind a set of documents of that I never heard to speak, for the college work and one velhinho leased one by mistake porn. It said that he was in order to see a bang-bang had the lenses of the thick eyeglasses almost thus thicker than mine legs read ' ' War ' ' was chipped, tomorrow the master comes to complain. In these hours that I am thankful to be able to be seated, gaining bunda and obstructing me of Cocaine-glue and stuffed big cookie, still I see of first hand the launching just left the cinema and take the newness for house. But it has times that I roll all, the line goes of the balloon to the door. I make receipt.

I receive. Cato the original. I give I change. I place the film in the petty cash. I say: ' ' thanks a lot, sempre&#039 comes back; ' , equal the Mirta owner guided. One day I complained: ' ' Necessary of ajuda' ' it left the warehouse there (that it is the kitchen of the house of it) facing was, gave to see me buo hairy, that nor a caranguejeira, thought that she was to advance in me. The eyes, two black holes, I remembered the witch of the film that had attended in the previous day. ' ' If you of the account of the service do not go to have that to arrange another one pessoa' '. I was dumb and I dedicated more to give I change, to receive and to catar the films. It leaves exausta and with anger. If I was bigger, full and round as the aunt Adelaide went to botar fear in the monster! But it was not it had to conform that me with the franzino skill of being. I disconnect the computer and I erased the lights, until I left under the balcony the comedy that had separate to lead. That night did not give will to laugh. While trancafiada the door, felt in mine cangote the warm hlito of the revenge and it again made me to this to lose the appetite.