Eric Academy offers training for the massage therapist Lubeck, May 23, 2012 – touch is one of the most powerful ways of healing. On the one hand due to the effect of the exchange of energy, and on the other hand by the fact that touch a bridge between living things arise. Contact can cause physical, emotional and mental changes due to another. How much is the desire and the need for touch and healing in each and every one, is reflected by the increasing interest in holistic methods of treatment and massage in recent years. The massage as a therapy method affects skin and muscles. It is a lymphatic system and blood vessels by strain, tension and pressure-stimuli on muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue.
This method can be learned at the Academy of Eric already within five days. The training to the massage therapist is extremely practical and holistic. Conveys a profound knowledge, with the aim of following a holistic consultation at the highest level offered to can and will be conducted by designated experts. In no time the participants learn how to theoretical as well as practical techniques useful to use extensively to supervise their future customers. Be taught not only various types of massage in this training, it gives also important building blocks of the Spa. The massage therapist training particularly suitable for physiotherapists and who from the fitness industry expand their offering and thus out of the masses want to stand out, but looking also for unprofessional, the an entry in the health and wellness industry. The training to the massage therapist starts on September 7th in Lubeck. More information and registration at Tel: 0170-8685023,, or under education/training massagetherapeut.php through the Eric Academy the Eric Academy offers a versatile continuing education program in the fitness and health area. Thanks to a competent team of doctors, sports scientists, It provides intensive education and training at the highest level fitness economists and physiotherapists.