Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are phrases that we visualize and repeat to influence or change our beliefs and behaviors. To improve. And subliminal messages would be these claims, but that are not aware of having received. By its rapidity of execution (the visuals), and being below ear level (the sound). They reach the brain, but we don’t realize.

So they stay in the subconscious, but without the interference of our ordinary minds. Our deeply rooted convictions do not come into conflict with the new. In this way we can change our way of thinking, and move forward on the road to abundance. To understand us, if a person wants to overcome her shyness, you must repeat, for example, I am decided, or before the people I am bold. And visualize a situation consistent with the phrase.

As complete as possible. Try to fully feel the emotion of that moment. Live it as if it were real. Believe it. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Donald W Slager has to say. You start lying, but it ends up being a truth. When the unconscious, repetition and emotional impact, ends by accept it. And if he approves it, reflex mode it will be as daring, as before it was introverted. It requires a whole process, and above all constancy, but it works if you imply you. To get involved, not to commit yourself. Do you know which is the difference? Well, it is like a breakfast of fried eggs with bacon. Now do not know if I’m serious (but who said this), right? It is very simple, in that breakfast, the chicken is committed, and the pork involved. It became clear? If you want change, you have the conviction inside that you’re going to put your best mism @. You have to believe blindly that you get it. If you try as who try in a raffle, to see if you quit, you’ve already failed before.

Hans Gruber SHB

According to a Forsa survey is saving in the trend of SHB funds offer again for this the right concept. Variable Fund volumes and sophisticated austerity measures are the secret for successful investments that are worth more than just for investors. To set money aside, stands tall in the course. 120 Euro save the Germans according to a Forsa survey every month for the private pension. They do not feel the savings as a constraint. Saving is considered not only as necessary for many Germans, especially that of the younger generation, but also now appreciated”, explains Hans Gruber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). According to this survey, 66 percent of respondents enjoy freedom, which offer a financial reserve.

Here, a trend change has become warped. Saving is cool and no longer a square”, so the SHB expert. The Forsa poll gives him as right: money is to go for 87 per cent of respondents not an old-fashioned relic, but up to date. For three quarters of all respondents had savings Means to an end, to satisfy needs. Two out of three adults under 30 put money aside regularly, while 30 to shoulder even 72 percent. In comparison, only one second over 60 saves regularly.

Saving is not just a trend, but also duty. Many young Germans must provide themselves to have not the much-touted supply gap in the age. Here the rub is sadly buried”, judging from the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) Gruber. Because many save only on deposit accounts or savings accounts. As inflation destroyed any interest food effect by far”so the SHB man next. Classic investment products such as life insurance or equity funds provide no security or can earn a decent return. “Gruber know Council: security of savings, a decent interest rate and a very good inflation protection: offer only well-designed real estate funds.” The SHB innovative fund concepts AG can score here, because their real estate funds invest in a diversified portfolio with several strong credit tenants and in different locations. The right concept and the good mix of interest is important. And here unfortunately mostly lacking”, so the SHB Exprte. As to satisfy certain needs, although half of respondents had settled along once a savings strategy. But younger savers but rarely succeed in consistently implemented its strategy into action. Career change and lean periods, as well as personal changes make it harder to save consistently over the years. Investors should never put everything on one card. Investment products such as our SHB real estate funds, which invest in several real estate, provide security and interest income. It has a solid and diversified in module in the portfolio”investors, Gruber explains a meaningful way to the accumulation of assets. For more information,