A central area of the lower Austrian provincial legislature in 1883 was transferred to, including the scope of the country culture countries in 1861 land codes. This competence of the country culture encompassed agricultural concerns as a regulatory matter to essential. On this basis, including a land law passed and a regulation based on issued in 1883. 1902-1910 Brockhaussche conversation lexicon defines the dress silk, Cuscuta than as a plant genus from the family of Convolvulaceen with about 80 species in the tropics and the temperate areas. The dress silk is a blattloses parasite, with filiform, twisting stems that attach themselves using rows of suction warts on other living plants, feed their juice, which they absorb and thus can be pernicious same. This is true particularly of the flax silk, flax and the dress silk, which parasitizes on the dress. In several countries, in Germany and Austria was at the time a own, for some curious erscheindendes law adopted, which calls on farmers, whose fields and fields hemp or silk dress is, to destroy the plants from infested by Ausroden or burning. The seed had cleaned by specially arranged sieves of the parasite seeds to be.
A immigrant and obliterate the parasite plant Kleeseide(Cuscuta) which was State law Kleeseide(Cuscuta) a immigrant and obliterate the parasite plant on the 02.Janner of 1883 land law has passed and included nine paragraphs. Centrally control content was the arrangement that the owners, beneficiaries or tenant of land on which the dress silk shows had to destroy it. Held the holder in the State of lower Austria, to adopt the necessary information to carry out the destruction of arranged after the conjunction with the Committee. The magistrate to entrusted to monitor the owners, beneficiaries, and tenants in this respect. The political District authorities have been prompted that this law has been announced twice a year, in early May and early August by the magistrate. The municipality had sanctions on owners, beneficiaries and tenants against owners, beneficiaries and tenants, the dress silk in flowering or bloomed out State was found on their land, to impose a penalty. This was either a fine of 11 guilders to the poor Fund or in a detention sentence of 48 hours.
At the same time, the magistrate had to cause the Elimination of dress silk at the expense of the defaulting farmer: cut, burn and digging up the infested soil areas. Substitute performance by the district authorities, there was a neglect of enforcement of this law by the municipalities or the magistrate, then it can come to a substitute performance by the district authorities. It creates the appropriate remedy at the expense of the community and the competent magistrate had to pay a fine of 10 Gulden to the poor Fund. The sentence could in writing or orally in the presence of two witnesses to the delinquent farmers be pronounced. The sentence could be challenged within three days at the magistrate, the Regional Office had to decide. After the decision of the district authority, there was no more appeal possibility. The Minister of agriculture and Minister of the Interior was charged with the enforcement of the law of this country.