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Livestock Protection Meeting

Livestock Protection Meeting

Livestock protection meeting could be won in the teaching and Research Centre for agriculture Raumberg-Gumpenstein for individual topics, covering specific aspects of pig farming and cattle and problems in the field of animal welfare during transport of animals, excellent speakers. Following the opening by the head of research and innovation, Dr. Anton Hausleitner, there were pigs in the block”interesting posts by ACE. Prof. Dr. J. Baumgartner of the veterinary University of Vienna about methods and its evaluation in the castration of male pigs. Subsequently, Dr.

J. Gasteiner (aircraft) presented an attempt using a novel method to reduce pain at the surgical castration of piglets. Dipl.Tzt. F. Entenfellner practice at the group housing of sows and their animal-health assessment addressed problems in the. Reports both by Dr.

J. BAUMGARTNER (VUW), as well as community project conducted by Dr. W. Schleicher (aircraft) about the swine Center Giesshubl GmbH rounded out the first part of the Programme of the Conference. “In the block cattle” were the extensive rearing of cattle and their animal-health assessment of Univ. Doz. Dr. A. Deutz addressed. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system of cattle are the specialty of Dr. H. Kumper (clinic for ruminants and pigs, Giessen, D). Dr. Kumper pointed out what management measures can put the farmer himself and when to consult is a veterinarian. Dr. R. Gruber of the BVB Liezen discussed the practical implementation of the animal welfare act at the farm in his presentation. “A further unit from Germany Dr. B. Spindler of the veterinary University of Hannover, the topic block animal welfare animal transports headed” an and showed problems and solutions regarding employment materials and litter vs. air pollution in livestock production on. Dr. A. Rabitsch, veterinarian in Ferlach and rounded off the Conference programme with his post about the intensity, control and transport problems in through Austria. Once again the participants praised both the interesting and practical designed programme of the Conference and the perfect organization and committed support from the team of the Institute for animal health and animal welfare: Artgemasse. All conference papers and presentations can be downloaded in PDF format at. E. Finotti